Orgalime Arbeitsgruppe für Orgalime S2000: bereits millionen- Microsoft PowerPoint - Orgalime Publikationen 14-8-08 Deutsch.ppt


Leveransbestämmelser NL 92 och Orgalime S 2000. Skötselinstruktioner och reservdelslista. Denna skötselinstruktion och reservdelslista är utarbetad för Er 

ACCEPTANCE TESTS In principle the acceptance by the purchaser is deemed to be completed as soon as the delivery item has been included in the production plant. Then a signed certificate is no longer required. 5. DELIVERY, PASSING OF RISK No deviations from Orgalime S2000. 6. DELIVERY TIME, DELAYS Whilst Orgalime S 2000 and NL 01 were almost identical this is not the case with the successor revisions.

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Supplementary Conditionsfor the Supervision of Erection of mechanical, electrical and electronic Products – S2000S – delivered in accordance with S2000 5. General Conditions for the Supply of Specially Designed and Manufactured Components - SC 96 6. General Conditions for Series Processing - SP99 7. ORGALIME The European Engineering Industries Association Diamant Building, Boulevard A Reyers 80, B 1030 Brussels Tel: +32 2 706 82 35 Fax: +32 2 706 82 50 Licensed for electronic use by Geroldinger GmbH; Licence N° 02/17/04 ORGALIME ORGALIME S 2000.

Orgalime S2000. Allgemeine Bedingungen für die Lieferung von mechanischen, elektrischen und elektronischen Erzeugnissen · General Conditions for the 

SI 14 Overview of major changes Orgalime is the European Engineering Industries Association, speaking for 38 trade federations representing some 130,000 companies in the Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, Metalworking & Metal Articles Industries of 23 European countries. Download Orgalime S2000 Download Orgalime S2012 Eng 3.8.1. Except as expressly set out in Orgalime S2000 and this Addendum, all conditions, warranties and representations, implied by statute, common law or otherwise, in relation to the supply, non supply or delay in supplying the Products are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and the In Orgalime S 2000 and this Addendum, (a) “Orgalime S 2000” shall mean Orgalime’s General Conditions for the Supply of Me-chanical, Electrical and Electronic Products, August 2000 edition or the latest edition published thereafter; 3.3.

Darber hinaus gelten die Allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen von Machinery Scandinavia AB (Allmnna Leveransbestmmelser NL 92 und Orgalime S 2000).

SUPPLY OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS. Brussels, March 2012. PREAMBLE 1. These General Conditions shall apply when the parties Licensed for electronic use by ABB group companies ; Licence N° 11/00/01 ORGALIME. ORGALIME SE 01 GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR THE SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Brussels, September 2001 PREAMBLE 1.

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The European Engineering Industries Association Liste aller Orgalime Publikationen (i) Vertragsmuster Microsoft PowerPoint - Orgalime Publikationen 14-8-08 Deutsch.ppt Title: orgalime%20s2000%20english_id1139.pdf Author: per.bohman Created Date: 3/31/2014 8:51:14 AM Therefore, the major changes in the Orgalime Supply Conditions are also reflected in the Orgalime Supply and Installation Conditions. The General Conditions SI 14 (an update of Orgalime's SE 01 conditions) are intended for deliveries where the obligations of the supplier (contractor) include installation on site of the equipment that he delivers, normally to the purchaser's premises.

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Orgalime S2000 (pl). buschhoff. Views. 8 years ago. Orgalime, · Www.buschhoff. de · READ. Orgalime S2000 (pl). READ. Show more documents; Share; Embed 

buschhoff. Views. 8 years ago. Orgalime, · Www.buschhoff.